Saint Lucia is an island located in the Eastern Caribbean and boasts mountains on the west coast. It is the home of coral reefs, volcanic beaches luxury resorts, and fishing villages. In this area, one can imagine the magnificent peaks of the Pitons rising to the sky, lush rainforests, and the gorgeous blue-green waters of Caribbean breaking just off the coast. The landscape, customs, culture and cuisine provide the perfect backdrop to enjoy the trip that will last an entire lifetime.

The rich background of Saint Lucia is known as a melting pot of many cultures, mingled with African traditions brought in during the colonial period. In combination with English, French and Dutch elements Saint Lucia an island that is distinctive to visitors. As diverse as it may be there are no two places identical! Certain areas are perfect for crowded nightlife and beachside events, while others provide an opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of life to explore lush forest and tranquil views. (Please make a call to learn more about Saint Lucia Island before you choose where to stay. )

A very sought-after destinations for tourists are North Saint Lucia. Although everything is just within a short distance it is difficult to reach from the airport. nature lovers will love the pigeon island that offers snorkeling, kayaking, and swimming. Don’t leave without taking the time to explore the fort’s old ruin and imagine the life of the 1800s. Rodney Bay is home to one of the most sought-after beaches as well as a renowned nightlife. This region has more activities to choose from, that are perfect for families.

The south side or South Saint Lucia is close to the airport. So you can check in to your hotel and unwind on the beach once you have landed. The most historical area, you can explore the remains, take an excursion and look at the old cannons that are rusty and the bricks scattered throughout. Discover the white beaches, renowned for their length. you will be able to find a spot that is far enough away from other tourists to be able to escape.

Soufriere The original French Capital situated along the western coast in Saint Lucia. While it is quiet in the summer, it’s one of the most popular tourist destinations and the port of several cruise ships. While you are there go for a stroll through Old Town and pick up unique souvenirs made by hand or leave town for a walk or swim in some of the most stunning waterfalls.

The last but not least is the central region of Saint Lucia is one that is a place for visitors to explore. Although it isn’t famous for its beaches like other areas but it has a wide range of activities other areas don’t offer. It is known for its numerous forests that are protected to preserve wildlife and natural vegetation. Go on a hike to see streams of waterfalls, which offer the best views of the entire island. There are also lookouts which you can reserve to visit tiny towns and their stunning beaches. There are many exotic birds, and even tiny mammal. Although this region doesn’t provide accommodation, there are plenty of nearby beaches to explore.

No matter where you are on this stunning island, there’s things to enjoy about it, be it the food or the beaches, partying, the adventure or the peacefulness; in the beautiful island of Saint Lucia, there’s always plenty to do for everyone. It’s the Caribbean’s most secretive place.


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Hello, fellow adventurers! I'm Elizabeth ellen, the curious soul behind Voyage Vista. I've always had an insatiable wanderlust that has taken me to the far corners of the globe. My passion for exploring new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes has fueled my adventures, and I'm thrilled to share my journeys with you.

I believe that travel is not just about visiting new places; it's about immersing yourself in the local way of life, making connections with people from different backgrounds, and gaining a deeper understanding of our beautiful world. Through my blog, I hope to inspire and inform fellow travelers, whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time explorer.

In my posts, you'll find travel tips, captivating stories, and breathtaking photos from my escapades across continents. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene beaches of Bali, I've experienced the extraordinary and the everyday in countless destinations.

Join me as we embark on a journey of discovery, one destination at a time. Let's explore this incredible planet together and celebrate the beauty of diversity, the joy of adventure, and the magic of travel.

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Happy travels!

Elizabeth ellen